May weather forecast
Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala


Weather in May

The last month of the spring, May, is also a moderately hot month in Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala, with an average temperature fluctuating between 16.5°C (61.7°F) and 25.4°C (77.7°F).


Santa Cruz Balanyá experiences a subtle adjustment in high-temperatures to a still moderately hot 25.4°C (77.7°F) with the onset of May, maintaining near parity with April's 27.3°C (81.1°F). Santa Cruz Balanyá in May anticipates an average nighttime temperature of 16.5°C (61.7°F).


The average relative humidity in May in Santa Cruz Balanyá is 81%.


The month with the most rainfall is May, when the rain falls for 27.3 days and typically aggregates up to 285mm (11.22") of precipitation.


The average length of the day in May in Santa Cruz Balanyá is 12h and 49min.
On the first day of May, sunrise is at 05:40 and sunset at 18:20. On the last day of the month, sunrise is at 05:33 and sunset at 18:29 CST.


In Santa Cruz Balanyá, the average sunshine in May is 9.7h.

UV index

The average daily maximum UV index in May in Santa Cruz Balanyá is 5. A UV Index value of 3 to 5 symbolizes a medium health hazard from exposure to the Sun's UV rays for average individuals.
Note: A maximum daily UV index of 5 during May morphs into the following directions:
Proceed with care. Light skin individuals may be exposed to burns in fewer than 30 minutes. UV radiation from the Sun is most dangerous during midday; take precautions and seek shade. Experience reduced UV exposure by about half when donning a wide-brim hat.

Frequently asked questions

What are the temperatures in Santa Cruz Balanyá in May?

An average high-temperature, in May, in Santa Cruz Balanyá, is 25.4°C (77.7°F) and the average low-temperature is 16.5°C (61.7°F). In April, the average heat index (a.k.a. 'felt air temperature', 'apparent temperature'), which factors the actual air temperature with the relative humidity, is evaluated at 29°C (84.2°F).

What is the average humidity in May in Santa Cruz Balanyá?

In Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala, the average relative humidity in May is 81%.

What is the rainiest month in Santa Cruz Balanyá?

The month with the most rainfall is May, when the rain falls for 27.3 days and typically aggregates up to 285mm (11.22") of precipitation.

How much does it rain in Santa Cruz Balanyá in May?

In Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala, in May, during 27.3 rainfall days, 285mm (11.22") of precipitation is typically accumulated.

How many hours of daylight does Santa Cruz Balanyá have in May?

The average day length in May is 12h and 49min.

When is the sunrise / sunset in May in Santa Cruz Balanyá?

In May, on the first day of the month, sunrise is at 05:40 and sunset at 18:20. On the last day of the month, in Santa Cruz Balanyá, sunrise is at 05:33 and sunset at 18:29 CST.

How long on average sun shines in May in Santa Cruz Balanyá?

In May, the average sunshine duration in Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala, is 9.7h.

What is the UV index reading in May in Santa Cruz Balanyá?

The average daily maximum UV index in May is 5. A UV Index value of 3 to 5 symbolizes a medium hazard to health from unprotected exposure to UV radiation.
Average humidity
Average rainfall days
Average daylight
Average sunshine
Average sunshine days
Average UV index
Average cloud cover
Average visibility

Average temperature in May
Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala

Average temperature in May - Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala
  • Average high temperature in May: 25.4°C

The warmest month (with the highest average high temperature) is April (27.3°C).
The month with the lowest average high temperature is October (22.5°C).

  • Average low temperature in May: 16.5°C

The month with the highest average low temperature is May (16.5°C).
The coldest month (with the lowest average low temperature) is January (11.8°C).

Average pressure in May
Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala

Average pressure in May - Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala
  • Average pressure in May: 1012.5mbar

The month with the highest atmospheric pressure is January (1015.5mbar).
The month with the lowest atmospheric pressure is May (1012.5mbar).

Average wind speed in May
Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala

Average wind speed in May - Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala
  • Average wind speed in May: 6.2km/h

The windiest month (with the highest average wind speed) is January (12.8km/h).
The calmest month (with the lowest average wind speed) is September (5.9km/h).

Average humidity in May
Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala

Average humidity in May - Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala
  • Average humidity in May: 81%

The month with the highest relative humidity is September (90%).
The month with the lowest relative humidity is March (69%).

Average rainfall in May
Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala

Average rainfall in May - Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala
  • Average rainfall in May: 285mm

The wettest month (with the highest rainfall) is May (285mm).
The driest month (with the least rainfall) is January (7mm).

Average rainfall days in May
Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala

Average rainfall days in May - Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala
  • Average rainfall days in May: 27.3 days

The month with the highest number of rainy days is September (28.7 days).
The month with the least rainy days is January (6.7 days).

Average daylight in May /
Average sunshine in May
Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala

Average daylight in May / Average sunshine in May - Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala
  • Average daylight in May: 12h and 5min

The month with the longest days is June (Average daylight: 13h and 0min).
The month with the shortest days is December (Average daylight: 11h and 18min).

  • Average sunshine in May: 9h and 4min

The month with the most sunshine is April (Average sunshine: 11h and 18min).
The month with the least sunshine is October (Average sunshine: 7h and 24min).

Average sunshine days in May
Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala

Average sunshine days in May - Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala
  • Average sunshine days in May: 2.8 days

The month with the most sunshine days is January (20.8 days).
The month with the least sunshine days is September (0.9 days).

Average UV index in May
Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala

Average UV index in May - Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala
  • Average UV index in May: 5

The months with the highest UV index are March and April (UV index 6).
The months with the lowest UV index are August and October (UV index 4).

Average cloud cover in May
Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala

Average cloud cover in May - Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala
  • Average cloud cover in May: 46

The months with the most cloud cover are June and September (Cloud cover 59).
The months with the least cloud cover are January, February and March (Cloud cover 26).

Average visibility in May
Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala

Average visibility in May - Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala
  • Average visibility in May: 8km

The month with the highest visibility is March (10km).
The month with the lowest visibility is September (6km).

Santa Cruz Balanyá, Guatemala

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