October weather forecast
Filey, United Kingdom


Weather in October

October, the same as September, in Filey, United Kingdom, is a moderate autumn month, with an average temperature ranging between max 13°C (55.4°F) and min 9.9°C (49.8°F).


The onset of October aligns with a soft reduction in the average high-temperature, gently falling from a refreshing 16°C (60.8°F) in September to a moderate 13°C (55.4°F). October notes an average low temperature of 9.9°C (49.8°F) in Filey, subtly down from the daytime highs.


In October, the average relative humidity in Filey is 82%.


In Filey, in October, during 14.1 rainfall days, 36mm (1.42") of precipitation is typically accumulated. In Filey, United Kingdom, during the entire year, the rain falls for 155.7 days and collects up to 312mm (12.28") of precipitation.


May through October are months without snowfall in Filey.

Sea temperature

In October, the average sea temperature in Filey is 12.8°C (55°F).
Note: With the appropriate swimsuit, one can swim in 12.8°C (55°F) even if temperatures dip below 10°C (50°F); otherwise, be ready for cold shock and breath issues. A fleeting swim around 13°C (55.4°F) is distressing.


In October, the average length of the day in Filey is 10h and 31min.
On the first day of the month, sunrise is at 7:04 am and sunset at 6:37 pm BST. On the last day of October, in Filey, United Kingdom, sunrise is at 7:01 am and sunset at 4:27 pm GMT.
Note: On Sunday, 27. October 2024, at 2:00 am, Daylight Saving Time ends, and the time zone changes from BST to GMT. Daylight Saving Time starts again on Sunday, 30. March 2025, at 1:00 am; consequently, the time zone reverts from GMT to BST.


In Filey, the average sunshine in October is 4.6h.

UV index

In Filey, the average daily maximum UV index in October is 3. A UV Index reading of 3 to 5 represents a medium vulnerability from unprotected exposure to Sun's UV rays for the ordinary person.
Note: A typical high UV index of 3 in October suggests the following recommendations:
Undertake precautions - It is suggested to shield oneself from sunburn. The Sun's most intense and consequently most harmful UV radiation during midday hours should be decreased by minimizing exposure and seeking shade. Sun-protective clothing, a long-sleeved shirt and pants, a wide-brimmed hat, and UVA and UVB-blocking sunglasses are particularly helpful in blocking UV radiation's harmful effects.

Frequently asked questions

What is the average October temperature in Filey?

In October, in Filey, the average high-temperature is 13°C (55.4°F), and the average low-temperature is 9.9°C (49.8°F).

What is the average humidity in October in Filey?

In October, the average relative humidity in Filey, United Kingdom, is 82%.

How many days does it rain in October in Filey?

In Filey, in October, it is raining for 14.1 days, with typically 36mm (1.42") of accumulated precipitation.

When it does not snow in Filey?

May through October are months without snowfall in Filey.

Does it snow in Filey in October?

In Filey, United Kingdom, in October, it doesn't snow. In November, it regularly snows.

How cold is the water in October in Filey?

In Filey, United Kingdom, in October, the average water temperature is 12.8°C (55°F). At temperatures below 10°C (50°F), swimming in a suitably protected swimsuit is feasible; otherwise, cold shock and loss of breathing control are imminent. Even a short swim, without thermal protection, at temperatures around 13°C (55.4°F) is not comfortable.

How many hours of daylight does Filey have in October?

The average day length in October is 10h and 31min.

When are sunrise and sunset in October in Filey?

On the first day of October in Filey, sunrise is at 7:04 am and sunset at 6:37 pm BST. On the last day of the month, sunrise is at 7:01 am and sunset at 4:27 pm GMT.

When does Daylight Saving Time (DST) end in October in Filey?

On Sunday, 27. October 2024, at 2:00 am, Daylight Saving Time ends in Filey, United Kingdom, and the time zone changes from BST to GMT. The next DST starts on Sunday, 30. March 2025, at 1:00 am.

How many hours of sunshine does Filey have in October?

The average sunshine duration in October in Filey, United Kingdom, is 4.6h.

What is the UV index reading in October in Filey?

The average daily maximum UV index in October in Filey is 3. A UV Index value of 3 to 5 symbolizes a medium hazard to health from unprotected exposure to UV radiation.
Average humidity
Average rainfall days
Average snowfall
Average snowfall days
Average daylight
Average sunshine
Average sunshine days
Average UV index
Average cloud cover

Average temperature in October
Filey, United Kingdom

Average temperature in October - Filey, United Kingdom
  • Average high temperature in October: 13°C

The warmest month (with the highest average high temperature) is August (17.8°C).
The month with the lowest average high temperature is January (6.3°C).

  • Average low temperature in October: 9.9°C

The month with the highest average low temperature is August (13.9°C).
The coldest month (with the lowest average low temperature) is January (3.8°C).

Average pressure in October
Filey, United Kingdom

Average pressure in October - Filey, United Kingdom
  • Average pressure in October: 1013.5mbar

The month with the highest atmospheric pressure is May (1016.2mbar).
The month with the lowest atmospheric pressure is November (1008.7mbar).

Average wind speed in October
Filey, United Kingdom

Average wind speed in October - Filey, United Kingdom
  • Average wind speed in October: 22.6km/h

The windiest month (with the highest average wind speed) is December (25.5km/h).
The calmest month (with the lowest average wind speed) is June (16.2km/h).

Average humidity in October
Filey, United Kingdom

Average humidity in October - Filey, United Kingdom
  • Average humidity in October: 82%

The months with the highest relative humidity are January and December (84%).
The months with the lowest relative humidity are April and August (80%).

Average rainfall in October
Filey, United Kingdom

Average rainfall in October - Filey, United Kingdom
  • Average rainfall in October: 36mm

The wettest month (with the highest rainfall) is August (40mm).
The driest month (with the least rainfall) is April (12mm).

Average rainfall days in October
Filey, United Kingdom

Average rainfall days in October - Filey, United Kingdom
  • Average rainfall days in October: 14.1 days

The month with the highest number of rainy days is July (16.4 days).
The month with the least rainy days is February (10.8 days).

Average snowfall in October
Filey, United Kingdom

Average snowfall in October - Filey, United Kingdom
  • Average snowfall in October: 0mm

The month with the highest snowfall is January (16mm).
The months with the least snowfall are May, June, July, August, September and October (0mm).

Average snowfall days in October
Filey, United Kingdom

Average snowfall days in October - Filey, United Kingdom
  • Average snowfall days in October: 0 days

The month with the highest number of snowfall days is February (4 days).
The months with the least snowfall days are May, June, July, August, September and October (0 days).

Average sea temperature in October
Filey, United Kingdom

Average sea temperature in October - Filey, United Kingdom
  • Average sea temperature in October: 12.8°C

The best month for swimming (with the highest average sea temperature) is August (15.7°C).
The coldest month (with the lowest average sea temperature) is March (6.8°C).

Average daylight in October /
Average sunshine in October
Filey, United Kingdom

Average daylight in October / Average sunshine in October - Filey, United Kingdom
  • Average daylight in October: 10h and 3min

The month with the longest days is June (Average daylight: 17h and 6min).
The month with the shortest days is December (Average daylight: 7h and 24min).

  • Average sunshine in October: 4h and 4min

The month with the most sunshine is August (Average sunshine: 8h and 30min).
The month with the least sunshine is November (Average sunshine: 4h and 6min).

Average sunshine days in October
Filey, United Kingdom

Average sunshine days in October - Filey, United Kingdom
  • Average sunshine days in October: 14 days

The month with the most sunshine days is May (16.4 days).
The month with the least sunshine days is July (12.1 days).

Average UV index in October
Filey, United Kingdom

Average UV index in October - Filey, United Kingdom
  • Average UV index in October: 3

The months with the highest UV index are May, June, July, August and September (UV index 4).
The months with the lowest UV index are January, February and November (UV index 2).

Average cloud cover in October
Filey, United Kingdom

Average cloud cover in October - Filey, United Kingdom
  • Average cloud cover in October: 52

The months with the most cloud cover are January, February and November (Cloud cover 58).
The month with the least cloud cover is April (Cloud cover 45).

Average visibility in October
Filey, United Kingdom

Average visibility in October - Filey, United Kingdom
  • Average visibility in October: 10km

The months with the highest visibility are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December (10km).
The months with the lowest visibility are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December (10km).

Filey, United Kingdom

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